User Agreement

This agreement (hereinafter: "Agreement") governs the rules for using this website located at , (hereinafter: "Service", "Site") as a registered user (hereinafter: "User", "Client ").

Before you start using the Site, please read the text of the Agreement. The Agreement automatically comes into force after you register as a User of the Service. If you do not agree with the terms of the Agreement, please leave the Site immediately and refrain from using it in the future.

1. Terms and definitions

User - a capable individual, at least 16 years old, registered on the Site with the creation of an Account (account).

Personal Account is a User's tool that allows him to receive the services declared by the Service, as well as storing his personal data and settings.

Personal data - information related to the registered User (his name, surname, telephone number, e-mail address, residential address, account numbers, payment data, etc.).

Account (account) - a set of personal data about the User, which is stored in his Personal Account, which is necessary to identify the User.

Advertiser (online store) - an online service that provides services for the purchase of goods and services. Under the agreement concluded between the Advertiser and the Service, the Service attracts Users to the Advertiser's website. The contract can be concluded directly with the Advertiser, or through an intermediary (advertising agency).

Cashback is a return of part of the funds spent by the User on the purchase of goods and services on the Advertiser's website.

Cashback account (User's wallet) is a registered User's account displayed in the Personal Account. Displays cashback accumulations for purchases of goods and services made by the User on the Advertiser's website.

2. Terms of use of the Service

2.1 Yamaneta is an Internet service that provides services that allow its Users to return part of the money spent (cashback) from purchases made on the Advertiser's website.

2.2 To access the Personal Account, the User must complete the registration procedure, indicating the current e-mail address and a unique password.

2.3 At this address, the User will receive a letter with a link to activate the account. By clicking on the link, the User Account becomes active. From this time on, the User becomes a Client of the Service.

2.4 One Client can have only one Account on the Yamaneta Service website. Otherwise, the Service reserves the right to block and delete repeated accounts without the right to withdraw funds.

2.5 To pay cashback, the Client must indicate his personal data in a special form of the Personal Account. Select your preferred form of payment (payment system), enter and save your payment details. Please note that the selected payment system may have its own limitations (for example, the minimum payment amount), which do not depend on the operation of the Service.

2.6 Do not record your Account details in easily accessible places and do not pass them on to third parties. The Service is not responsible for the theft or loss by the User of his credentials, as well as for possible damage caused to the Client in connection with this.

2.7 If, for some reason, the User has changed the valid email address or other credentials specified during registration, they must be changed in the Account as well. Otherwise, there may be problems with access to the Service.

2.8 If the User, for some reason, did not take active actions with his account (did not enter / exit, authorize in the Personal Account) within 180 calendar days, the Service reserves the right to block the User's account with its subsequent deletion.

2.9 The Service also has the right to block and delete the User's Account in case of violation of this Agreement, the rules of the Service, as well as if the actions of the Client create a threat to the functioning of the Site.

2.10 Yamaneta reserves the right to make functional changes to the service, change the rules for calculating cashback, as well as supplement and amend this Agreement.

3. Rules for receiving Cashback

3.1 As part of the Service, cashback is a return of a part of the funds that were spent by the User to purchase goods and services (orders) on the websites of Advertisers who posted their materials in the Yamaneta catalog.

3.2 For orders made by the User on the Internet sites of Advertisers, the latter pay a commission to the Yamaneta Service in the form of an agency fee for the attracted client.

3.3 The Service returns a part of this remuneration to the Client in the form of funds to the Cashback account stored in his Personal Account. The service independently sets the amount of cashback reward for each of the Advertisers. Information on the amount of payments for each of the Advertisers can be found in the catalog of online stores. We draw your attention to the fact that there are various situations in which the Advertiser cannot correctly identify the completed order and pay a commission to our Service.

3.4 For successful cashback crediting to the User's account and its further payment, several conditions must be met:

  • The client must be authorized on the Service website;
  • The transition to the Advertiser's website is made using the link provided by our Service;
  • The completed order should not be canceled;
  • The Advertiser has confirmed to the Service the fact of the order made by the Client;
  • The user followed all the recommendations of the Service for placing orders and did not violate the rules of this Agreement.

3.5 Cashback will become available for payment when the Advertiser confirms the fact of payment for the completed order, as well as confirms the payment of the agency fee for the order made by the User.

3.6 The terms for confirming a paid order are individual for each of the Advertisers, are set by the corresponding online store, and do not depend on the operation of the Service.

3.7 The Service has the right to refuse the User to pay cashback if the Advertiser has not received confirmation of payment to the Service of the agency fee for the order made by the User.

It is possible that the Advertiser decides that the executed and paid order does not comply with the established Agreement between the Advertiser and the Service.

3.8 Cashback payments for such orders may not be charged or canceled during subsequent reconciliation of orders between the Service and the Advertiser. The Service is not responsible for the relevance of data on completed orders transmitted by the Advertiser and the amount of commissions set by the Advertiser.

4. Terms of the affiliate program

4.1 The Yamaneta Affiliate Program allows each User to earn money by attracting new Clients to our Service. In your personal account (in the section "Invite a friend") you can get an individual partner link. All Users registered in the Service after clicking on an individual link are automatically considered the User's referrals (members of the affiliate program).

4.2 In the future, the User will receive up to 30 percent of the cashback accruals from his referrals. The reward will be credited to the User's Cashback account.

4.3 The withdrawal of these funds will be available after the payment is confirmed by the attracted referral of his first order placed on the Advertiser's website through the Service.

4.4 It is forbidden to create a referral network belonging to one User in order to obtain greater benefits.

4.5 The User is strictly prohibited from sending SPAM (on social networks, e-mail mailings, etc.) to promote the referral link.

4.6 The Service reserves the right to block and delete accounts of Users who violate the terms of work with the affiliate program, without saving the accumulated cashback funds.

5. Loyalty program

5.1 For regular Customers of our service, there is a three-level loyalty program "Premium Cashback":

  • "Bronze Maneta" - Clients who have accumulated cashback for more than $ 10 receive a 10% increase in cashback rates;
  • “Silver Maneta” - Clients who have accumulated more than $ 50 cashback receive a 20% increase in their cashback rate;
  • "Golden Maneta" - Clients who have accumulated more than $ 150 cashback receive a 30% increase in cashback rates.

5.2 The user always has the opportunity to buy the "Golden Manet". Connection cost $ 10 / month. Payment is made by the accumulated cashback.

5.3 Yamaneta reserves the right to unilaterally change the terms of the Loyalty Program or terminate its operation at any time.

6. Promo codes

6.1 Promo codes issued by the Yamaneta service allow the User to increase the cashback rate upon activation, or to receive other benefits established by the Service.

Activation of promo codes is possible in the User's Personal Account. If the User has the "Premium Cashback" program, upon activation of the promo code cashback rates are not summed up, the most beneficial cashback rate for the User is in effect.

7. Withdrawal of funds

7.1 Withdrawal of funds from your Cashback account is made in any way convenient for the User, specified in his Personal Account.

7.2 The size of the minimum payments is indicated in the Personal Account in the "My cashback" section.

7.3 Before withdrawing funds, you must specify the current payment details and select the appropriate withdrawal method.

7.4 The Service is not responsible for any payments, their receipt or non-receipt in case of providing incomplete, inaccurate or incorrect information given by the User of the Service, provided that the data according to which the corresponding transfer of funds was carried out corresponds to the data specified by the User of the Service ...

7.5 The User is fully responsible for paying taxes, if any, in connection with the accrual and payment of cashback, except for taxes on the income / profit of the Service paid by the Service itself.

7.6 All payments made by the Service to the User in connection with the receipt of cashback will be considered as including the relevant taxes to be paid by the User, if any, and will not be subject to adjustment.

7.7 If the User's account is blocked or deleted due to his violation of the rules of this Agreement, the withdrawal of funds from the Cashback account becomes impossible.

7.8 The Service reserves the right to unilaterally change the conditions for withdrawing funds, notifying Users by e-mail specified in the account.

8. Limitation of liability of the Service

8.1 The Service does not sell goods or services, but is only an advertising platform on which the Advertiser posts information about his goods and services.

8.2 The information material posted on the Site is provided without any guarantees, incl. regarding its accuracy.

8.3 The Service is not responsible for the quality of goods and services sold and provided by Advertisers. All claims regarding the quality of goods sold or services provided are transmitted directly to the persons who sold this product or provided this service.

8.4 The Service, other members of our group of companies and any third parties associated with us are not responsible for direct or indirect losses, damages incurred due to the inability to use or as a result of using the Site, the Internet sites of our Advertisers, including:

  • loss of income;
  • loss of business;
  • loss of profits or contracts;
  • loss of anticipated savings;
  • loss of data;
  • loss of business reputation;
  • for any other loss or damage of any kind arising out of civil wrong (including negligence) and breach of contract.

8.5 The Service is not responsible for any information posted on the websites of Advertisers, including for violation of copyright and related rights.

9. Protection of personal data

9.1 By registering on our website, the User agrees with the legality of the collection and processing of his personal data and agrees to their processing and cross-border transfer.

9.2 The User also agrees to the transfer of his personal data to third parties for the purpose of fulfilling the terms of the Agreement.

9.3 The purpose of processing the User's personal data is to fulfill the terms of the Agreement, as well as to promote goods, works, services on the market (in various ways, including through automated analysis of personal data), incl. by sending the Advertisers' advertising and information materials to the User.

9.4 If the User applies for the revocation of his consent to the processing of personal data, depersonalization and / or destruction of his personal data in our system, the Service ensures their legal and irrevocable destruction with notification by e-mail (at the user's request about the need for such notification).

9.5 By registering on the Site (by requesting promo codes or by subscribing to an email newsletter), you agree to the entry of your personal data into a publicly available database source, incl. to transfer any information about you (your personal data, information about your use of the Site, etc.) to our partners.

9.6 Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data is made by sending an appropriate message in the user's personal account (section Help). In this case, all the information received by the User (including the login and password) is deleted from the database of the Site, while the User is blocked from accessing the services of the Service.

10. Intellectual property rights

10.1 The Service has all the necessary rights in relation to the results of intellectual activity posted on the Site. The materials posted on the Site are protected by copyright laws and relevant agreements on the transfer of rights to the results of intellectual activity in Russia and abroad.

The user is not entitled to make changes to copies of any printed or downloaded materials from the Site. Users are also prohibited from using any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences, as well as any graphic elements apart from the accompanying text.

10.2 The User acknowledges the ownership of the Site for the posted information materials.

10.3 No one has the right to use the materials located on the Site for commercial purposes without receiving

10.4 In case of copying, downloading or distributing any part of the Site materials in violation of the terms of the Agreement, the right to use the Site immediately terminates.

10.5 The User will be obliged, at the option of the Service, to return or destroy all copies of the materials.

11. Viruses, hacker attacks and other crimes

11.1 The User undertakes not to abuse the use of the Site, deliberately not to introduce viruses, Trojans, worms or any other harmful materials and programs.

11.2 You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site, the server on which the Site is located, or any other server, computer or database associated with the Site. In the event of such a violation, the User's access to the Site will be closed.

12. Transfer of rights and obligations

12.1 The Service reserves the right to fully or partially transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement to third parties.

12.2 The User does not have the right to violate the terms of this Agreement, as well as to unilaterally transfer his rights and obligations to third parties, without the prior written permission of our Service.

13. Violation of the User Agreement

13.1 Yamaneta reserves the right to unilaterally suspend or completely terminate the access of any User to the services of the Service upon revealing the facts of his violation of the terms of this Agreement. At the same time, the Service has the right to delete the account of the User who has violated the Agreement, and completely transfer the balance of his Cashback account to the Service.

13.2 The User is solely responsible for all records (information materials) published by him on the Site, within the framework of the current legislation of the country in which the User lives. Any materials that, in the opinion of the employees of the Service, contradict the information policy of the Site, will be removed.

14. Changes to the Agreement

14.1 Service reserves the right to make any changes to this Agreement. These changes are considered to be effective from the moment they are posted on the Site.

14.2 If the User does not agree with the new conditions, he has the right to refuse the services of the Service, notifying Yamaneta employees within three working days.

«At the moment we are experiencing difficulties with payments to PayPal, we will fix the problem in the near future»