Yamaneta.com Blog Have you heard about the  “ Mobile Phones Direct UK” ?

Have you heard about the  “ Mobile Phones Direct UK” ?

  • 2022-02-01
  • 601 779 Views

It’s the “gadget’s paradise” of the UK's electronics market. Company is more than 28 years in business and provides a wide range of different devices for every needs, tastes and budget. Different brands and models of gadgets are presented In the company's shop. You can find a variety of different phones, laptops, tablets, smart watches, TVs, game consoles, cameras, headphones, batteries and other accessories. The company also sells tariff plans with different contract durations, that are offered for SIM-Phones. 

Highly qualified specialists of the “ Mobile Phones Direct UK” are always ready to help to make the choice according to the customer's request. 5G, SIM Free or SIM only phones, brand-new and refurbished electronics are waiting for their lucky owners.

It is really inspiring to spend your time searching the company's Web site in the section  of  “ OFFERS ”, where customers always have fresh shopping offers and good discounts! The  “ Mobile Phones Direct UK”   is in partnership with three of the UK's leading chains, so you can easily find the best deals in one place.

The “ADVICE”section keeps the inspiration going and it's a really helpful and cool webplace that stays tuned for all the updates and hacks.

Company works with the most famous electronics Brands:


Сhoosing  this company customer will get… 

…The great opportunity to be in trend, getting new items and world bestsellers in the field of electronics. The “Mobile Phones Direct UK” gives everyone the opportunity to keep up with the development of technology. Customers need to decide whether to buy a brand new device at full price or get a “Pay Monthly” contract and get the device they need right away. This offer means that after signing up to the monthly plan, the customer is committed to paying a set amount of money every month until the contract is paid off. This fee depends on what you get with your contract.  “Pay Monthly” offer  makes dreams much more affordable.  

The “Mobile Phones Direct UK” gives very wide and the most attractive network tariffs for SIM-only phones. The term of the contract may vary from 30 days till 2 years. Generally these are unlimited minutes and texts, as well as a different amount of data. Some of them include the 5G network. A very pleasant moment is that customers always retain the ability to terminate the contract at any time.

The company is in partnership with the world's leading network market leaders. You can find the best offers from such companies: O₂, Vodafone, Three, Voxi, and SMARTY. 

The Company always has different deals, so customers get more value for their money and the great quality product. So..
..If you need to buy or change your network tariff you may check the good offers in the company's online store using the following link.   


The company cares about their customers!

Based on many years of “Mobile Phones Direct UK” company experience in business, they have chosen the most suitable policy for them - " to make each customer happy."  They're doing their best everyday to make their service as comfortable as possible for each of their customers.  

100% secure checkout, 7 days week Customer Service, Next Free Delivery, High Quality & Branded Products, Great Service, wide range of products, The Most Famous Partners  - All this is about the “ Mobile Phones Direct UK”

If the recently bought device stopped working properly? No worries! It's definitely sad, but sometimes it happens. The company gives the Warranty inspection for all brand-new devices during the 24-month period from the date of purchase in their shop. Moreover, even if problems arise with refurbished devices, the company cares for their customers and gives offers to the database of the best fixing services. 

The company's commitment to excellent customer service bagged the 2022 Uswitch Mobile Reseller of the Year award. Probably, this event, which became a pleasant surprise, clearly confirms the correctness of the choice of the company's policy.
The company also has many other awards, that keeps the gentle smile of regular customers and gives confidence to those who hear about the company for the first time. Awards are the best test of success and good proof that the team is diligent and extremely passionate about what these people do. Including “What Mobile Best Online Retailer” and “Mobile News Awards Online Retailer of the Year”.


How does it go? 

Are you looking for a new gadget and still have doubts? The “Mobile Phones Direct UK” support is available 7 days a week and is always ready to accompany customers in choosing a device and all the questions on each step of their orders. 
After the order is placed and the offer is done, the customer gets the free delivery on the next day. Company gives the tracking number. It does shipping with the “DPD”, so they will give a call when the delivery time comes. The terms of the company are very flexible, and you can find out more information here.


The choice is always yours. Using the  “ Mobile Phones Direct UK” you will get the needed gadget, and harmonious balance of great quality, affordable price and fabulous service. And it's a good mood.
Follow the link if you’re ready to make your choice https://www.mobilephonesdirect.co.uk/ 

Keep your time, and enjoy your opportunity.

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