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How to increase the size of the cashback?

The size of the cashback directly depends on your status in Loyalty Program of the Yamaneta service. More purchases - more cashback percentage.

Our Loyalty Program consists of three levels:

  • "Bronze Maneta" (the amount of savings from $ 10) - you get + 10% to the base cashback rate;
  • "Silver Maneta" (the amount of savings from $ 50) - you get + 20% to the base cashback rate;
  • "Golden Maneta" (the amount of savings from $ 150 and more) - you get + 30% to the base cashback rate;

Let's take a look at the Banggood store as an example:

Base rate of cashback in Banggood - 3%

With the Bronze Manet status, you will be credited with 3.3% cashback (3% + 0.3% (10% of 3)).

The status "Silver mantle" will allow you to get 3.6% already.

And the Golden Manet status - 3.9%.

A very simple and most importantly automatic accumulation system!

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